Ever wondered what the world looks like from your pup's point of view? Well it's maybe not what you'd expect!
For my fellow millennials we were told all through childhood "dogs only see black and white". But from a young age I myself didn't believe this to be true. Whether I was an overly observant 5 year old (there is some truth to that) or that I had a vivid imagination (ok that also), I was convinced that my childhood pal Max was drawn to certain colour toys (or my textas).
AdelaideVet reports that dogs can see colour. In particular two colour cones: blue and yellow. While us humans have three colour receptors in our eyes (red, green, and blue), our furry friends only have the two. So they venture the world without the rich, vibrant hues of reds, greens, and purples and with to a more limited blue and yellow world.
Now, this doesn't mean that our dogs are walking around in a completely colourless (or just blue and yellow) world. They can still see different shades and tones, but their world is much more muted compared to ours. So, that bright green ball you toss for them in the park? It might just look like a greyish-yellow blur. And that red post office box? Well, it probably looks like a greyish-blue blur. You get the picture!
But just because our dogs' world is limited in colour, it doesn't mean they're limited in their ability to see the world. In fact, they're top notch when it comes to detecting movement. Their eyes are much more sensitive to movement than colour, which is why they're able to spot that scurrying possum across the back fence in a flash.
And let's not forget about their incredible night vision. With more photoreceptor cells in their eyes, they can see in low-light conditions better than we can. So, while you're fumbling for the light switch, your pup is probably already making their way to the kitchen.
Should I be buying them certain colour toys?
While dogs don't see colours in the same way that we do, it doesn't mean you have to limit their toy choices to blue and yellow only. They can still see different shades and tones, so don't worry too much about the colour of their toys. As long as it squeaks, crinkles or can be thrown they'll enjoy it much the same. Or if they're anything like my Pepsi it will be destroyed in the first 10 minutes!
Do I need to change any of my habits to help my dog with different shades of colour?
There are some things you can do to help your dog better navigate their blue and yellow world, but it doesn't involve changing your habits too much.
One simple thing you can do is avoid tossing a ball or frisbee in the direction of the sun, as this can create a glare that may make it harder for your dog to see the toy. Instead, try to position yourself and your dog in a way that avoids the glare and provides a clear view of the toy.
Another thing to keep in mind is that dogs rely more on their sense of smell and hearing than their sight, so using verbal cues or scent markings to guide your dog can be helpful. For example, you could use a specific command or whistle to indicate where a hidden toy is located, or use scent markers to help your dog find their way back home on a long walk.
Finally, it's important to keep your dog's eyes healthy by regularly visiting the vet for check-ups and addressing any eye issues promptly. This includes keeping their eyes clean and free of debris, such as hair or dirt, and seeking treatment if you notice any signs of irritation or infection.

So, there you have it! The world as seen through a dog's eyes. It's a blue and yellow world filled with movement and adventure. And no matter the colour, no matter the shade you'll always be #1 in their eyes!
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